Вопрос: Я использую Hortonworks sandbox 2.1 с Apache Hive ODBC driver 2.1 и iODBC. Соединение ODBC успешно выполняется, когда я тестирую его с iODBC программного обеспечения iODBC. Hi, Few questions around the use of Hortonworks connector in Tibco Spotfire to perform ODBC access to Hive. As far as I can see, I don't have as much options as I have when looking at the Hortonworks ODBC driver. The consequences are quite huge: I can't specify a Zookeeper quorum I can't use Knox Hive is a data warehouse system for Hadoop that facilitates easy data summarization, ad-hoc queries, and the analysis of large Once the data is available in Hive it is possible to visualise this via Excel and the Power BI toolset. Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) — дистрибутив Apache Hadoop с набором программ, библиотек и утилит Apache Software Foundation
Download trial version of ODBC Hortonworks Hive Connector for Windows 64-bit and test a unique data connectivity solution used by enterprises worldwide.
Я использую Hortonworks sandbox 2.1 с Apache Hive ODBC driver 2.1 и iODBC . Соединение ODBC успешно выполняется, когда я тестирую его с iODBC программного обеспечения iODBC . Но когда я открываю excel и использую запрос Microsoft для возврата данных в таблицу Excel DB-240000 Ошибка ODBC: [Hortonworks] [Hardy] (80) Ошибка синтаксического или семантического анализа, возникшая на сервере при выполнении запроса. Сообщение об ошибке от сервера: Ошибка при компиляции оператора: СБОЙ: ParseException строка 1 data sourece & description: Hive. Host : IP of the HIVE machine. Port:10000. data base: default. Hive Server Type : Hive Server 2. service discovery mode: no service discovery. authentication mechanism: use name. DB-240000 Ошибка ODBC: [Hortonworks] [Hardy] (80) Ошибка синтаксического или семантического анализа, возникшая на сервере при выполнении запроса. Сообщение об ошибке от сервера: Ошибка при компиляции оператора: СБОЙ: ParseException строка 1
Describe un problema que ocurre en la herramienta Administrador de orígenes de datos ODBC (Odbcad32.exe). Cada versión de la herramienta debería mostrar solo los DSN del usuario que sean adecuados para la versión del archivo Odbcad32.exe.
Creating a Universe on Hadoop Hive Jan 2014 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Creating a Universe on Hadoop Hive Jan 2014 Access Hortonworks Hive data with your favorite SQL-based BI tool. Fast, reliable, secure access to big data. The Hortonworks Hive ODBC Driver complies with the ODBC 3.80 data standard and adds important functionality such as Unicode and 32- and 64-bit support for high-performance computing environments. ODBC is one of the most established and widely supported APIs for connecting to and working with [Controlador de Amazon Hive ODBC] Descripción = Amazon Hive ODBC controlador (64-bit) Driver The Hortonworks Hive ODBC Driver complies with the ODBC 3.80 data standard and adds important functionality such as Unicode and 32- and 64-bit support for high-performance computing environments. ODBC is one of the most established and widely supported APIs for connecting to and working with
Browse other questions tagged excel hadoop hive odbc hortonworks-data-platform or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Podcast 233: Contact tracing and civil liberties, Part 2
Вопрос: Я использую Hortonworks sandbox 2.1 с Apache Hive ODBC driver 2.1 и iODBC. Соединение ODBC успешно выполняется, когда я тестирую его с iODBC программного обеспечения iODBC. Hi, Few questions around the use of Hortonworks connector in Tibco Spotfire to perform ODBC access to Hive. As far as I can see, I don't have as much options as I have when looking at the Hortonworks ODBC driver. The consequences are quite huge: I can't specify a Zookeeper quorum I can't use Knox Hive is a data warehouse system for Hadoop that facilitates easy data summarization, ad-hoc queries, and the analysis of large Once the data is available in Hive it is possible to visualise this via Excel and the Power BI toolset. Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) — дистрибутив Apache Hadoop с набором программ, библиотек и утилит Apache Software Foundation Я использую Hortonworks sandbox 2.1 с драйвером Apache Hive ODBC 2.1 и iODBC. Hortonworks Hive Odbc (35) Error from Hive: error code 1. Error message: error while processing statement: Failed : Execution error, return code 1 org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.teztask. I am running hortonworks 2.5. Request for assistance.
ODBC Driver es un controlador ODBC que funciona para acceder a aplicaciones de datos CyberMatrix de los componentes de datos de Microsoft Access (MDAC)y a Crystal Reports, en sus versiones 8,5 y 9, aunque para esta última tendrás que instalar un parche adicional. Crystal Reports 10 genera demasiados problemas como para dar por válida su compatibilidad y de momento no hay parche que 1.Install the 64 bits Hortonworks Hive ODBC Driver, you can download ODBC Driver from here. 2.Configure ODBC connection Open Control Panel, search for ODBC and open ODBC Data Source Administrator, in System DSN tab click Add, configure the data source as below, click OK. 3.Click Test The Hortonworks Hive ODBC Driver with SQL Connector is available for both Microsoft Windows and Linux. It complies with the ODBC 3.52 data standard and adds important functionality such as Unicode and 32- and 64-bit support for high-performance computing environments on all platforms. Descargar controlador ODBC para SQL Server Download ODBC Driver for SQL Server. 04/24/2020; Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos; En este artículo. SE APLICA A: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure Synapse Analytics (SQL Data Warehouse) Parallel Data Warehouse APPLIES TO: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure Synapse Analytics (SQL Data Warehouse) Parallel Data Warehouse @Rajkumar Singh How to find the hive-site.xml path in HortonWorks Sandbox and how to see the these properties in hive-site.xml, sorry i am new to Hortonworks sandbox and my question might sounds silly
Difference in Hive query execution via Beeline & Hortonworks ODBC Driver 0 Why is my Hive QL Query that I run in SSMS via Openquery through the Hortonworks ODBC Driver producing an error?
Hive is a data warehouse system for Hadoop that facilitates easy data summarization, ad-hoc queries, and the analysis of large Once the data is available in Hive it is possible to visualise this via Excel and the Power BI toolset.